Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Pilot

Welcome to the Naked Café. This is a blog shared by two guy best friends (J and S). It was designed for putting our two cents out there into the interweb. This first post is just meant to give you an taste of where our minds are at:

J: Well, well, well if it isn’t our viewers…
S: Don’t you mean readers?
J: Whatever…
S: I just mean, whoever is on our blog is reading this, not actually looking at us--
J: --Oh can we have nicknames?
S: umm okay.
J: I want to be called The Question mark, because I’m the gayest straight guy you’ll ever meet. Your nickname should be Lucky.
S: Okay, why is that?
J: I don’t know, I was just watching General Hospital earlier. Hmm, I think Perez Junior is so hot.
S: Is that a real person or something?
J: *quietly* You can be so slow sometimes.
S: Wait, now I get it! You mean as a name. It’s all right I guess.
J: What do you think of Mr. Brit-Brit?
S: Oh, I like that one. I do love Britney.
J: I know right, and you know if she ever reads this blog she’ll be honored.
S: I like the name, but I don’t love it. I wouldn’t actually use it. I think I need more time to think of a name for myself.
J: No, Mr. Brit-Brit would be another of MY nicknames.
S: *sigh* I think I’ll just stick with S
J: So how would you spell that? E-s. Es? because that’s kind of Mexican.
S: Not that there is anything wrong with that. We’re both African-American. No, I would just have a single letter: S.
J: Okay well I want J spelled out like j-a-e. Jae.
S: I thought you liked those other names.
J: Can’t I have them all?
S: I guess you can. It’s our blog. We can do whatever we want.
J: Let’s worry about names later.
S: You’re right. What is really important is to create a blog where we can express our opinion on random things in our unique and interesting way.
J: And to just be huge Bitches!
S: We’re not mean, we’re honest!
J: Yeah, and we want to entertain as many people as possible, all races, social classes, everybody. Like Michael Jackson!
S: Exactly, may he rest in peace.
J: And you already always talk about getting your nose done…
S: I told you that was a secret!
J: There are no secrets on the Naked Café!
S: I am already starting to feel the burden of this partnership. This is either going to be fun, or a train wreck!

So consider that a little preview, from me S. I'm well aware that my grammar leaves a lot to be desired, so I'll try to do better but, no one's perfect. J isn't online right now due to technical issues, so the first few posts may be filtered through me but expect to hear from him soon.

Until we meet again,


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